How to Make Money Easier in your Wedding Business
Breaking Money Myths for Wedding Creatives
Link to FREE Resources for your Business
In this episode of Bright, the podcast for wedding creatives, host and money mentor Melissa encourages listeners to challenge their limiting beliefs about business and finance.
Sharing personal anecdotes and addressing common fears, Melissa emphasizes self-awareness and practical steps to improve financial confidence and business success. Whether it's tracking cash flow or learning to appreciate numbers, Melissa offers actionable advice for creative professionals looking to enhance their business acumen and achieve their desired growth.
00:00 Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs
00:29 A Personal Story on Overcoming Self-Doubt
03:16 Challenging Your Money Beliefs
04:28 Reflecting on Past Financial Experiences
08:03 Creating Positive Evidence for Business Success
10:31 Taking Action Towards Financial Confidence
11:15 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement
Journal Prompts:
When you say, I'm not good with numbers, so I can't handle my business finances. What is a question you could ask yourself? What specific thoughts come to mind when you think about math or business? Or what evidence do you create to support this belief? And where do you think this doubt comes from? This is critical.
Is it a belief since childhood, something from school, or a past perceived mistake you made around money or how you handled it? Is it something specific someone said to you or you said to yourself? Was it based on someone else's opinion or a specific event? Maybe you've never balanced a checkbook or you're in debt.
Is there something specific that comes to mind when you think about the past and your relationship with money,
What impact do you think not being good on the business side of things? Maybe ignoring your numbers, being afraid of them, or being quote, bad at them has had on your business? How has avoiding learning financial basics affected the success of your business?
How has this money belief affected your confidence in running your business? Has it ever stopped you from pursuing growth opportunities? What would your business look like if this belief wasn't holding you back?
Write down evidence for yourself of how you create positives in your business, list five things you can think of that prove you are good with the business side of things.
Now write down 2-3 action steps you can take to gain more confidence around numbers, math, business finance?